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Advantage IV Gold Series GTx116-P+

Additional Information

  • Description

    The GTx116-P+ is EBTRON’s top-of-the-line solution for accurate and repeatable measurement in ducts and plenums. Ideal for outdoor air delivery monitoring and airflow tracking applications. Temperature and alarm capability plus unsurpassed product features and connectivity options make this the best choice for today’s high performance buildings. Bluetooth® low energy technology interface.


    • Thermal Dispersion Technology
    • Supports up to 16 Sensor Nodes
    • NIST‐traceable Calibration
    • %‐of‐reading Accuracy
    • Airflow and Status Alarm
    • Temperature Output Applicability
    • Combination Analog/Network Models
    • Three Mounting Styles
    • Remote Transmitter with LCD Display
    • 3-year warranty


  • Quick Specs

    Installed Airflow Accuracy

    Ducts/Plenum: ±3% of reading, Non-ducted OA Intakes: better than or equal to ±5% of reading


    P+ Sensor Density Rules


    Mounting Options & Standard Size Limits

    Insertion : 6 to 191 in. [152.4 to 4851 mm]

    Stand-off: 6 to 190 in. [152.4 to 4826 mm]

    Internal: 8 to 194 in. [203.2 to 4928 mm]


    Power Requirement

    24 VAC (22.8 to 26.4 under load) @20V-A

  • Product Literature
